تظاهر بالثقة، لكن لا تثق. Pretend to trust, but don't trust.
افعل ما تريد فالحياة مرة واحده do what you want, life is one time
احبك واحب عيونك اللي مستوطنه قلبي💓🦋 I love you and I love your eyes that settle in my heart.
علينا أن ننسى بطريقة ما. We have to forget somehow.
- A person who believes in himself will never be defeated . - لن يهزم شخص يؤمن بنفسه أبداً
“People will do anything, no matter how absurd, in order to avoid facing their own souls. One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious.”
A person who chooses their brain over their heart always wins.
أنا الأفضل والأقوى، دائماً. I am the best and strongest, always.