نحن جمال هاذه العالم. We are the beauty of this world.
أصنع من نفسك روحاً متأملة. Make yourself a contemplative soul.
“ if there is anything i have learned in the complexities of life, it is that not everything needs to be understood.. some things are best if they are simply left as being”
There is hope, even when your brain tells you there isn't.
There may be late bloomers but there are no flowers that don't bloom.
سأشارك كل الاشياء معك فقط. I will share all things with you only.
كُن على طبيعتك، و لا تتـصنع. Be yourself, and do not pretend.
- You can’t find me in someone else .
فاتنه من عبق الورد . A seductress from the scent of roses.
- kindness is rare be that rarity ❤️
Sometimes I have kept my feelings to myself, because I could find no language to describe them in.
And you never knew How much I really liked you .❤️
لا أحد يفهم أعماقك . No one understands your depths.
خير النوادر و نجمها البراق . The best of rarities and its shining star.
Still healing still learning still need time
لا تكن متردداً، كن محارباً. Don't be hesitant, be a fighter.
I feel a lot, but I won't talk as usual.
- أما النسيان ، قد تفارق الحياة ولا يفارقك. As for forgetting, it may leave life and it will not leave you.
“Surely Allah never fails in His promise”
I’ve done nothing but wait. All my life. Waiting for something to happen. what I don’t know.
My hands keep telling me That the end is near.
Be the sanctuary of kindness, the world is bad enough.
أجمل شيء يمكنك ارتداءه هو الثقة 🎼🌸. 𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑚𝑜𝑠𝑡 𝑏𝑒𝑎𝑢𝑡𝑖𝑓𝑢𝑙 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑐𝑎𝑛 𝑤𝑒𝑎𝑟 𝑖𝑠 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑓𝑖𝑑𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑒.
الناس فترات لا تتعمق. People don't go deep for a while.
- لا تحرم نفسك دائما من شرف المحاولة أنت لن تهزم الحياة من الاستمرار في المحاولة💪 Do not deprive yourself always from honor the try, you will not defeat life from continuing of the attempt.
Last minute plans are always the best ONES
فتره حلوه ، فتره مُره. The time is sweet, the time is bitter.
Full of breakdowns, too cohesive.
It was never good, but somehow we survived. eternal people, cannot be destroyed. We can only suffer.
Family over friends, because real friends are family .
قليل الحضور ، عزيز المقام. Few in attendance, dear place.
• Keep everything beautiful that makes you happy , Keep it a secret between you and yourself , For everything that people know , they spoil . - George Bernard Shaw
Perhaps nothing else on earth matters, Besides the love you take in And the love you put out.
And one day, you will simply left.
It’s all about who stands in the rain With you when they could be dry If they wanted to.
هتعيشها مرَه ، لاتخليها مُره . You will live it once, don't let it be bitter.
You owe it to yourself to see how great it can get .
كل شيء قابل للثبات ألا مزاجي. Everything is stable except my mood.
- كل شيء ممكن لا تستهين بقدراتك💪😌 Anything is possible..do not underestimate your capabilities.
وعسى الأَيام المقبلة كلها خير . May all the coming days be better.
• I was quiet , but I was not blind . - Jane Austen
لا أمثل القسوة، أنا حقاً قسوت. I'm not being cruel, I'm really being cruel.
لا تحِاول جاهدًا ، فأنا لا أههتم . Don't try too hard, and I don't care.
Staying this calm was not easy.
- لا تتخلى عن حلم بسبب الوقت الذي يتطلبه الأمر لتحقيقه..سيمضي الوقت على أي حال✊🎓 Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway.
في تراكمات الشّعور، للّه ألطافٌ خفية. In the accumulation of feeling, God has hidden sweetness.
هوّن عليك فالله يعلم كل شيء. Take it simply on you, God knows everything.
لنا في اللهِ ظَنٌّ لا يخيب. We have a belief in God that does not disappoint.
الوصول لنا صعب، صعب جداً. It is difficult to reach us, very difficult.
- I am grateful to be on a journey that will lead to the unfolding of my heart .
- لا يوجدُ مصعدٌ للنجاح، سيتعينُ عليكَ استخدامُ الدرج، خطوةً بِخطوة. There is no elevator to success, you will have to use the stairs, one step at a time ✨💜
- المعرفة غير كافية، يجب التطبيق. التمنى غير كاف، يجب العمل✊🎓 Knowing Is Not Enough We Must Apply. Wishing Is Not Enough; We Must Do Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe
I am the one who takes silence as an escape 🦋.
Be the energy you want around you .
سأبقى قَوي من ٱجل نفسي دائمًا . I will always stay strong for myself.
My mission, should I choose to accept it, is to find peace with exactly who and what I am. To take pride in my thoughts, my appearance, my talents, my flaws and to stop this incessant worrying that I can’t be loved as I am .. — Anaïs Nin (born on this day 21 February 1903). #hurgada
Long distance relationship but never far from the heart.♡
i love your eyes, but i like mine better, because without mine i wouldn't be able to see yours.
ما يفسدهُ القلب، يصلحهُ العقل. What the heart spoils, the mind fixes.
النِساءُ هنَّ كُحلة العيّن . Women are “the beauty of the eye.”